
The thunderbird
The thunderbird

Wakan Tanka seeing this, decided to help these "Human Beings" and began a great battle with Unktehi that lasted for many years. The truthful, pure, and loyal "Human Beings" fled to these mountains to survive. This caused a great flood which covered the earth, except for a few mountain tops. Because of her dislike for any creature unlike herself, Unktehi decided to flood the earth and destroy the "Human Beings."She did this by swelling her body to fill all the oceans, rivers and streams leaving no room for the water. The legend of how the great Thunderbird, Wakan Tanka, saved the "Human Beings" from the evil underworld water monster, Unktehi, comes to us from the vision quest of a Brule - Sioux Medicine Man. The Thunderbird was the Spirit of all things good for the native peoples and was a constant protector against the Spirits of the Underworld. The Iroquois of the Eastern Nations, the Shawnee of the Woodland Tribes, the Sioux of the Plains and Nez Perce of the Northwestern Tribes all recognized the Thunderbird as a mighty force against the Evil Spirits of the Underworld. Legends of the Thunderbird have occurred in Native American Mythology and Religion in almost every Tribe and Nation to inhabit the United States. Our troop's neckerchief is embroidered with a Thunderbird. The Thunderbird was chosen as the Totem of Troop 50 because, for centuries, it has represented the Spirit and Philosophy of Scouting as it reveres people who embrace TRUTH, PURITY, LOYALTY and DUTY to "Human Beings."

The thunderbird